Spiritual Tools Certification

Human beings have a body-mind nature and a spiritual nature. Meditation can provide a means of keeping those aspects of ourselves in true communication. Physics has made breakthroughs in our understanding that our world is made of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. These may have qualities of sound, color or light.  What do we really know of ourselves as the energy field we are? How do we affect that everyday with our thoughts and feelings? How do other people’s thoughts, feelings and energies affect us? How does our environment impact us? We came into this world with no manual for understanding or managing our abilities as energetic spiritual beings.

These spiritual tools were developed by the late Lewis Bostwick, founder of Berkeley Psychic Institute. As a clairvoyant, he developed some simple ways to discover and relate to these abilities that came with our bodies. They facilitate our intuition and help us understand who we truly are.

We are often aware of when someone is standing too close to us. They are “in our space.” What is that space and how can we protect it from unwanted stress? We wouldn’t be comfortable not taking a shower for weeks but how often do we clear out our energy field of everything it has absorbed? Spiritual tools give us some simple meditative steps to give ourselves an internal shower. It’s amazing how much easier it is to start the day in the energy you consciously set for yourself.

These tools are highly beneficial for business oriented people as well as healers, counselors, coaches and anyone working in other human’s energy fields such as hairdressers or anyone in a service industry.

Approximately 5 hrs of training depending on class size and time needed.

Who would benefit from these tools?

  • I’m highly sensitive & I easily take on other people’s energies 

  • I give too much & need a way to come back to myself 

  • I don’t feel like me when I’m around certain people 

  • I’m sometimes exhausted by being around people 

  • I feel blocked financially, creatively, intuitively... 

  • I’m obsessing over someone 

  • I need more confidence when I walk in a room 

  • My home & office need clearing

Learn how to:

  • Recharge your energy

  • Call your energy back to you

  • Release ANYTHING not serving you

  • Validate yourself effectively

  • Feel a deep sense of relief 

  • Unblock blockages 

  • Create the ability to receive more 

  • Release guilt 

  • Release past life issues & patterns 

  • Release current issues & patterns 

  • Create unlimited possibilities 

  • Recover a deeper sense of self 

  • Set the energy of any room, office, home 

  • and so much MORE!

The Spiritual Tools taught in this class are the basis of every session & class I do. If you want to add these to your Akashic Record Readings, Reiki sessions or ANY modalities, these are perfect to integrate. I also recommend these tools for actors, lawyers, writers, sales people or anyone who needs to do presentations! 

Imagine relaxing the body by grounding, releasing stress energy, creating a sanctuary inside and replenishing with new life force. These meditations are designed to help you get familiar with yourself as a field of energy and how to help you manage that energy.  You will strengthen the connection between yourself as a soul-awareness and your body. Practicing these tools can help you feel relaxed, quiet the chatter so you can listen to your Inner Knowing, get more restful sleep, release energies of others which are not yours to solve. Spiritual Tools will open the doors to your innate intuition.