Akashic Record Reading

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning Primary substance, that out of which all things are formed.  It is the first stage of the crystallization of spirit.  This Akashic, or primary substance, is of exquisite fineness and is so sensitive that the slightest vibrations of an ether any place in the universe register an incredible impression upon it.

The Akashic Records contain the vibrational record of each individual soul and its journey.  This vibrational body exists everywhere in its wholeness, and is completely available in all places.  The Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities; and are an experiential body of knowledge and compassion.  Access to this profound source is through a sacred prayer.

Having an Akashic Record reading can be extremely valuable.  The soul's very essence and expression, potentials and purposes, can be revealed. Issues of the lifetime are brought to light from a spiritual perspective.  Both favorable and difficult patterns that are present can be identified. Corrective measures required to establish harmony can be seen.

The purpose of a reading is to dignify the person being read.  To dignify is to elevate.  An Akashic Record reading is a way to uplift the one being read.  Being in the Records, the reader perceives the potential of the person he or she is reading.  The perception is then anchored in this ordinary dimension of consciousness.  The person being read resonates to this higher frequency and becomes aware of the possibility of this quickened vibrational level.  Through this upliftment, the person being read is relieved of lower vibrational activity and freed to move on in a higher state of consciousness and action.

Click here to listen to podcast episodes where Siri shares about the Akashic, gives readings and snippets from teaching the 3 month Akashic Certification Course. You can join the 3 month Certification Course here!

If you’re a former Akashic student of Siri’s and want to keep learning and staying in the energy of the Akashic with fellow Akashic students and Siri, you can Join The Akashic 3 Month Membership here!

Benefits of a reading

  • Insight on what weighs heaviest on your heart and why, followed by concrete steps to move forward.

  • Finally being able to have the clarity of what your destiny is, finding your passion and helping you to walk your path with confidence.

  • Guidance on how to attract your ideal life partner so you can live fulfilling lives together.

  • Answers and solutions to improve and strengthen relationships with a partner, family member, friend, child or pet.

  •  The ability to obtain closure by re-connecting with loved ones and beloved animals who have passed.

  • Understanding your roots to uncover the truth of your life and how it effects you in the present moment.

  • Reveal past lives, how they support you and their purpose in your soul's growth.

Akashic Reminders:

  • One’s masters, teachers and loved ones meet them with endless mercy and compassion. One’s soul is perfect. Whatever choices one made were the best choices at that time. 

  • Akashic readings are spiritual readings, not psychic readings. Psychic future based questions are often fear based whereas Akashic answers are love based. 

  • When one has a yes or no question the client can ask "What is the origin of this problem?" Or "Where did this problem start?" Once we understand causes and conditions we can reveal the soul-level truth.

  • Rejection makes things stick. Acceptance releases the problem. The client could ask "How can this problem help me in this life now?" 

  • If one wants to ask general questions, it's ok but the answers will be general. If someone is doing a google search they know the more specific they are the more specific their search responds.  

  • Can we love ourselves when we're painfully imperfect? Yes!!!!

  • Every choice we make is for the awakening of our own unconditional self-love.

More Akashic Offerings


    In an Akashic Record Reading training you’ll learn and experience how to ground, run and fill in your energy.

    Recognize and validate the Akashic realm around and inside you and begin to play and work with this unconditional love energy.

    Learn and experience the sacred opening prayer.

    Learn how to protect your energy.

    Learn and experience opening your own Records and being in this vast, healing realm.

    Learn and experience communicating with your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

    Learn the difference between your intuition and Akashic wisdom.

    Learn information about how the Akashic Records work.

    Receive sacred attunements that activate and fine-tune you as a channel of this energy.

    Learn to create safe space for others and how to give a 20 minute Akashic Record Reading to others.

    Learn and practice how you may eventually integrate your other spiritual skills and tools into this realm.

    Have a 21 day follow up practice, review, graduation and certification.

    Approximately 6 hrs of training depending on class size and time needed.


    In an Akashic Record Reading training you’ll review how to ground, run and fill in your energy.

    Recognize and validate the Akashic realm around and inside you and begin to play and work with this unconditional love energy.

    Review and experience the sacred opening prayer.

    Review how to protect your energy.

    Review and experience opening your own Records and being in this vast, healing realm.

    Review and experience communicating with your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

    Review the difference between your intuition and Akashic wisdom.

    Review information about how the Akashic Records work.

    Receive more sacred attuning that activate and fine-tune you as a channel of this energy.

    Review creating safe space for others and how to give a 60 minute Akashic Record Reading to others.

    Review and practice how you may integrate your other spiritual skills and tools into this realm. Have a 21 day follow up practice, review, graduation and certification.

    Approximately 6 hrs of training depending on class size and time needed.


    This gives you 30 minutes of a private Akashic Record Reading session over the phone followed by 30 minutes of a private Breathwork infused with Reiki session over zoom.

    You will be led through grounding and running energy, an opening of your Akashic realm, given information about what is seen in your realm and heard by your team of Masters, Teachers and Loved ones.

    This often includes oracle cards that you’ll be sent images of afterwards. You can ask whatever is on your heart, mind and soul and be given images and words that are relayed by your Akashic team and the practitioner’s higher wisdom.

    Afterwards you’ll be invited to lay down and integrate what was revealed through a breathwork session infused with unconditionally loving Reiki energy.

    Here you will be able to be held in love, release whatever is “up” and call in whatever you’re needing and wanting in your life.

What People Are Saying

“In addition to some great Akashic readings, I took a couple of online classes with Siri - Reiki I and II and Akashic Record Reading Training, that really opened up my ability to tap into my intuition. The Akashic class was life changing for me.”

— Jill Rege


“My session with Siri was amazing! It was a 1 hour Akashic Record Reading session that left me feeling more sure about my path and less troubled. She was able to uncover areas in my life that needed to be cleared and guided me in clearing them. It was an absolute pleasure to work with her and I am grateful that she so artfully shared her gifts with me!”

—Brandy P.

“Siri is a glitter glow ball of love. I had an Akashic reading with her today and from the beginning of the reading I KNEW in my bones that she was connected to the light. It was a confirmation of the things that were bubbling in my mind, and questions were being answered even as she was leading me through the meditation. It was a loving confirmation from the universe…”

—Giovannie E.


“I had an Akashic Records reading with Siri today and it was incredibly uplifting and inspiring. I suffer from very bad chronic fatigue and depression and feel well and truly snapped out of it in such a short amount of time. Amazing!”

— Sundara P.

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